The two flop proposals
This two love stories were failed attempt .But when looking back, the incidents are really funny.
The email stories-1
Once again ,this petchi is coming into his familiar territory
This time , I am typing about our own little flirt master gooja's( the real master is none other than
Here we go,
( I don’t love you …. ?!!??&%$#/?....But I selected you…) this is the tag line.
It all started in the mid 90's , we can say in the year 1996, when our hero gooja( hereafter for the heroine's convenience , we call him Balu-the milky) finisihed his class 10th.He announced his happiness to all of his neighbours including the herione , who lives in the adjacent street.
Both have completed their 10th at that time. They didn’t have much interactions as balu was a child …
When they entered their 12th std, they slowly started their conversations .They discussed about their studies, careers and etc.Now their friendship also started in a healthy manner.What I mean is, he didn’t make a solid kadalai or mokka as with other girls.He protected his other side from her.He never flirted with her. This is truly inspired her and she thought balu is geniune guy unlike others..So… this was time she started to love him and he too.
But both have not expressed their desire.
They took a different studies .Balu maintained his friendship in a subtle way though the undercurrent love is always there.
Life took him to mepco, then chennai .After a self exile of one year in
Balu, is the guy, who always wants to mingle with the girls immediately.After he landed a job in chennai, he asked the herione, how to correct gals.She replied something.By this balu measured the depth of the sea.He got some idea.
One fine day, that day he was travelling to attend a interview at Hosur, balu sent a sms , asking her what type of marriage she would like to have.
'' I cant love anybody.. But I love the person , who selects me as his life partner..'" she replied.He sent one more SMS ,stating that he wants to say onething.
Balu sucessfully finished the discussion and got the job.Now, he wants to pass in the other test.He has gone to his native town.
In the eveing , he made a walk to her and gave the sweets.She asked what he wanted to say.Balu got a little shy.He didn’t opened up his mouth.
She told that , she has taken photographs .That was for alliance purposes.She showed them to him.
Now, balu asked her, '' Are you in love with anyone". She replied negatively.''Are you ready for a intercaste marriage, balu throwed the next one with much confidence.
''It depends on the guy …" she answered with joy….They ended the chat as balu again went to think-tank mood.
She was more anxcious to hear the next question from Balu.She said her parents are looking a alliance for her.
Balu replied , ''say your father , don’t look for a bridegroom for you''..'' Why''..she asked..
Then the new gen-next dialague came from Balu"' Remember your SMS, you confirmed that if someone selects you, then you will love him…. I don’t love you .. But I selected you…what you say.."'
Guys .. I end the story here.. I tried to write this in a better manner.
But this writing is not good as before..
The climax is.. The gal took 2 days to express her love .Balu now in the race with saravana.
'' We like each other very much..But I don’t want to call it as Love… We are not like others. We will not send every hours sms's ,mails etc..We know the true battle now only begins ..We should consenus from both sides.If everthing falls in our places ,we are happy..Till then, we maintain a relation which sould not be overboard…""
This is gooja's verdict on his love.
Mamas. .. For heaven's sake.. This love should be end with success as I belive this one of the most matured love and it will break the barriers.
The email stories-2
Petchi: The Asli Hero-Part 2.
'' This all happened on sunday night and gooja and myself were going to sleep. I slept immediately .I have seen D in my dream and I woke up.
I called Robo ,punni and Arul over phone and asked '' D yenkau kidaipala''. You know , they came up with the same answer '' No, Never...''.The time was around 12.30 mid night.''
'' On Monday night i again called arul and sethu and asked that'' shall i express my love for her'' . Yes, you have to say this, i got their reply. And experts like Gooja has said'' sollatha kadahl sellathu''....
Tuesady Night , I discussed with my sister the same thing..''
On that night, i drafted a letter in my heart and planned to send an e-mail tomorrow.Then i called D, but i have not told this but made some general interactions as usual.
The letter is'' Hi D, i would like to say a four letter word to you. No.. that is not love .. it is life. Yes , i want to be part of your future life. I will be happy, if you accept my proposal. I dont know much about you but You are polite , humble, bold and of course you are good looking. I know, you dont know much about me.
Now, if you give me a appointment to meet you, then i will explain myself .If you find i am good enough for your life partner , then accept my love.
I will not take my heart to a downfall, if you reject me outrightly. I have no issues.All i want to say, i like you and i hope i will be a good husband for you.Thats it..."
I have to attend a Interview on wedneday afternoon.. So i decided to send the mail in the evening. During the morning breakfast with saravana, i wanted a confirmation from my mom. I typed a sms to my sister '' I am going to say my love to D.Before that i want to discuss with mom". I sent it.But...
I have sent to D instead of my sister.Alas ... i could not take the food afterwards. It was a mistake... Not a intentional one.
D called me immediately. I didnt attend . She sent one sms saying'' playing with pranks in the morning.. anyway good day..'
After the interview , around 5.30 , i sent one sms , '' i want to talk to you. is it possible today.." She has not replied anything until 8.30.
But the 3 hours were a nightmare for me. But I thought, she will not call again . i felt, she will cut short the good relationship .
She called me, at 8.30 and asked '' what is happening petchinathan?. I told like this '' D i like you. I dont know how can express this'' . I repeated some of the letter content.. ''. Then she said......
'' Petchinathan. i have not taken this as wrong. I am already in a relationship, . I dont know, when will i get married. .Please dont take serious .Cool.''
I said," Good. Atleast , you have behaved in a mature way. I know about you. That why i decided to say this''..
She said'' Thanks for the compliment .. and You too took this in a practical manner''
'' You are my friend .. how can i take this in a serious note.. I know you from 3rd year , and I never thought you in that angle so far. I have no problems ,. Dont feel, i take this in lighter way...,'' D continued.
'' Thank you'' , i said..
Then she said '' We talked many times and met occasionally, but you never exposed this part before and did not give any indications about this. Good Petchinathan. ''
I replied '' i dont have any great feeling for you .. But i like you. I wanted to convey this message to you and I did. ''
D asked '' without geeting any results , how did you discuss about me with your family...''
I told '' i wanted to get the a confirmation from my family for a Love marriage . so I called my sister. that s all.
'' Petchinthan , you are so cautious and good person ''( Nee romba nallavana yerkiye'- that s what she told in tamil..., remember the Hilarious Vadivelu comedy)
Then i told '' keep in touch..''
"' Hey, you can send mokka sms any time. You are my friend .. Ok..." She said.
OK. Bye D ., I said.
Good Night , Bye.. . she replied.
Now tell me boys...who is unlucky D or me.
Lessons learned '' Dont wait for the time .. if you want express yourself say immediately ''
Guys, I thank you all,for your overwhelming support to my love.As you expected my love got failed. But petchi won..
Operation failed.. but patient breaths ....
Note : Mamas , this is not a shocking news da. The shocking news is '' i will enter into a marriage life at 31" .. my mom told.She consulted some vetti astrologers , bloody guys , they said this......
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