This was one of the series of mails I sent to my friends while working in Vibromech, I give the exact mail here.
I take the privilege to name the titles ,for some of the books ,may be you will write in future.I give some brief description ,consider as a literary review.
Balee: How to harvest the groundnuts
Dont confuse with the title, its a management tips for guys from villages.The author is a former flirt ,now turned in to a flamboyant intellectual ,based in New York.You definitely know about love failures.But in this book, the writer accounts his own trauma and pain due to two of his friendship failures.An inspirational book and a must read one.
Mouli: Breezy winds and some crazy time
A true love story .The author mesmerizes you with his own style of writing .The story is about two mouse pals and how they turned into lovers.Delhi and Chennai , where both lead characters live ,are the locale of the story.After reading this, you may have a sense of deja vue.The brilliances of author come to light at the end,where he finally portrays his love in to a arranged love, and finished in a good feel.It does not have much romance as expected but full of family drama and the writer himself takes his love as a foolish one.A book for whom who dont have a job.
Saravana: Ponnuku Thanga Manasu.
A usual love story of friends finally fall in love .Written for rural readers. A true script for village love story. The story tavels around all parts of Tamil nadu like Tuticorin,Chennai, Thanjavur and Hosur.Full credits go the author , who maintains some tempo and suspense till the end.A worthy book for Tamil cinema.
Below books will be reviewed in later mails.
Gooja : Wooing the gals -My Hoppy
Punnai:In the name of Gods
Sriram: Love and Marriage
Arun: The mechanic and the software gal.
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